The 47th World Conference of the International Association of Political Consultants Eternal Crisis: Political Consulting in Changing Times

Lunedi mattina sarò tra i relatori della 47esima conferenza mondiale dei comunicatori politici, che si svolge quest’anno a Roma.
Di seguito puoi leggere il programma.
The 47th World Conference of the International Association of Political Consultants
Eternal Crisis: Political Consulting in Changing Times
Cavalieri Hotel, Rome
Monday, November 17th
9:00 am Welcome & Opening Remarks 
Ilkka Ahtokivi (Finland) IAPC President

9:10 am Honoring Michel Bongrand and Joe Napolitan
Philippe Bongrand (France & Switzerland) & Martha Napolitan (U.S.)

9:15 am Keynote Address
Introduction by IAPC President Ilkka Ahtokivi (Finland)
Jim Messina (U.S.)
Founder and CEO of the Messina Group,
Campaign Manager Obama 2012, Chairman Priorities USA PAC
Senior Consultant for David Cameron, UK Prime Minister

10:30 am Are all Politics Becoming More Italian?
Italy still leads the world in political volatility. What’s in store for the world?
Moderator: Marco Cacciotto (Italy)
Aldo Cristadoro (Italy)
Antonio Palmieri (Italy)
Giorgia Meloni (Italy) 
11:30am 2014 U.S. Polling – A Look at the Numbers
Moderator: Rick Ridder (U.S.)
Anna Greenberg (U.S.)
Ed Goeas (U.S.)
12:30 pm Lunch (Le Belle Arti)
Dan’l Lewin (U.S.)
Corporate Vice President, Technology and Civic Engagement, Microsoft
“Technology industry trends and the potential impact on political campaigns”






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